Name: Marguerite Steward
Born: 7 Mar 1872
Place: Green Bay, Brown Co., WI
Died: 18 Jan 1940
Place: Talmage, Mendocino Co. CA
Buried: 19 Jan 1940
Place: Hayward, Alameda county CA
M-Haplo: V1a1
Marguerite was declared insane by the Superior Court of Lake County,
California on March 9, 1912. In fact, the court did not convene on that
date. It met on the 8th and a week later on the 15th. There is no entry
for the case on the Court's calendar, no mention of it in the minutes and
nothing in the record of judgements. The record that does exist is sealed.
Marguerite was sent to Napa State Hospital. Nine months later, on
Decemeber 22, 1912, her 15 year-old daughter, Adeline, gave birth to an illegitimate
daughter whom she named Maggie Mae, evidently after her mother.
"M Hennequin" is listed as a patient at the Mendocino State Hospital for
the Insane on the 1920 census for Mendocino, California. The entry further
states that she was employed in the dining room.1 Old family
correspondence states that she and Louis had divorced
and that she had lost both legs to diabetes.
Marguerite, Louis and their daughter, my grandmother Marie
Hennequin Cooley, all died in 1940—Marguerite and Louis about
three weeks of one another.
The probate index for Lake county, California (which has other than
probate records listed) shows the following entries:2
#1442 - Hennequin, Marguerite - Incompetent
#1448 - Hennequin, Marguerite - Guardianship
Marguerite's death certificate states that she died of "Status
Epilepticus," contributary causes being "Dementia Praecox"
and "Hebephrenic."
Obituary for Marguerite (Steward) Hennequin
Hayward Daily Review, 20 Jan 1940, page 8
Mrs. M. Hennequin Taken by Death
Mrs. Marguerite Hennequin passed away in Mendocino county Thursday. She was
the wife of Louis Hennequin of Washington, and mother of Mrs. Marguerite
Nees of Hayward, Mrs. Mary [sic] Cooley of Oakland and Mrs. Louise Johnson
of Point Loma. She was the sister of William Stuart [sic] of Ukiah, Mrs.
Rose Marshall of Oakland, Frank Stuart of San Francisco, Mrs. Mary Vipond
of San Jose and M. S. Stuart of San Luis Obispo, and the late Adele
Rollier. Seven grandchildren also survive.
Hospital Records
Page: 245
Name: Marguerite Hennequin
No.: 3634
- From, Lake County on January 4, 1909
- Petitioner, Louis F. Hennequin
- Judge, M. S. Sayer
- Physicians, J. R. Nott and J. D. Edmundson
- Delivered by, Geo. W. Kemp
- Assistant, Mrs. Helen Woodbridge
- Date, January 4, 1909 at 5:45 P. M. by R. A. Cushman, M. D.
- Nativity, Wisconsin, in California 22 years. Last from Wisconsin.
- Sex, Female
- Age, 36
- Color, White
- Civil State, Married
- Occupation, Housewife
- Education, Common school
- No. Children, 4
- No. Children now living, 4
- Religion, Catholic
- Habits of parents as to liquors and drugs, No
- Peculiarities or chronic disease of relatives, No
- Insane, hysterical, or epileptic relatives, No
- Epileptic, No
- Physical defects, injuries, or sickness previous to insanity, Laceration of perineum received during birth of first child
- Habits as to liquor, tobacco, and drugs, or other vices, None
- Date and history of previous attacks. (If in a hospital for the insane, state where and when.), No
- Present attack began, about Nov. 15, 1908.
- History of onset and development, gradual
- Supposed cause:
- Predisposing, Nervous and excitable, temperamental
- Exciting, Uterul trouble with menstrual suppression
- Violent, No
- Destructive, Yes
- Homicidal, No
- Suicidal, Yes
- Incendiary, No
- Habits, Cleanly
- Facts indicating insanity,
Talked irrationally, said that she was turning into an animal, and that the
change was taking place in her jaws, as well as her eyes, cried
hysterically, and required to be restrained from leaving. Thought that
there was a plot to blow up house and kill all of the family.
- Diagnosis, Commitment, Delusional Melancholia
- P.O. Address or friend of relative, Louis F. Hennequin, Lakeport, Cal. (Husband)
- Financial statement, No funds
- Discharged, Nov 11, 1909
- Why? Recovered
- Mental condition when discharged or died, Normal
Page: 165
Name: Marguerite Hennequin
No.: 3954
- From, Lake County on March 9, 1912
- Petitioner, Louis Hennequin
- Judge, M. S. Sayer
- Physicians, H. P. Stepp and Walter H. Feam
- Delivered by, Lyon Freaser
- Assistant, Sarah Miller
- Date, March 9, 1912 at 7, 20 P. M. by F. E. Allen, M. D.
- Nativity, Wisconsin, in California 25 years. Last from Wisconsin.
- Sex, Female
- Age, 40
- Color, White
- Civil State, Married
- Occupation, Housewife
- Education, Common
- Religion, Catholic
- Habits of parents as to liquors and drugs, No
- Peculiarities or chronic disease of relatives, No
- Insane, hysterical, or epileptic relatives, No
- Mental defects, peculiarities, and disposition previous to insanity, Always nervous and easily excited
- Epileptic, No
- Physical defects, injuries, or sickness previous to insanity, Laceration of perineum at birth of first child
- Habits as to liquor, tobacco, and drugs, or other vices, None
- Date and history of previous attacks. (If in a hospital for the insane, state where and when.), Yes, at Ukiah Jan 4, 1909 for about 8 months. (Discharged.)
- Present attack began, Hard to give dates, about two years ago. Several about three weeks ago.
- History of onset and development, Attacks gradually increasing.
- Supposed cause:
- Predisposing, Nervous and excitable, temperamental
- Exciting, Lacerated perineum with menstrual suppression
- Violent, Yes
- Destructive, Yes
- Homicidal, Yes
- Suicidal, Yes
- Incendiary, No
- Habits, Cleanly
- Special delusions or hallucinations, changeable
- Facts indicating insanity, Talks and actions excited and hysterical
- Diagnosis, Commitment, Melancholia
- P.O. Address or friend of relative, Louis F. Hennequin, Lakeport, Cal. (Husband)
- Financial statement, No funds
- Discharged, April 4, 1925
- Why? Unimproved
Note at bottom says "Paroled 6-11-24"
All original portions ©
Michael Cooley, -
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