Name: Matthew Richardson Sr
Died: 1806
Place: Kent County, Maryland
As per the article written for Matthew's son, Matthew Jr, he may have
married a daughter of Nicholas Riley Sr. This is noted at the website for
the French Family Association:
"Nicholas Riley Jr. was born ca. 1720 and appears in the first church pew in
Oct 1756 in 'The Numbers and Names of the Proprietors of the Pews in the new
Addition of the Chapel' with Mathew Richardson in the Vestry of Shrewsbury
Parish in Old Kent."
Matthew Richardson, Sr was dead by 5 December 1806.
Will of Matthew Richardson
Although Matthew is listed as the eldest son, William and John were
executors. Obviously, this is because Matthew had moved to Ohio four years
Will and Estate Records for Matthew
Richardson, Kent County, Maryland.
- Bequethes "Adventure" Plantation, which he brought from Thomas Jennings of
Annapolis, to sons William and John.
- Sons: Matthew, William, John.
- Daughters: Rebecca, Sarah Vinsant, Mary
- Grand-children: Mary, Ann and John Vinsant; Elizabeth Thompson and John
Bird, children of daughter Mary.
The same land was deeded to Stpehen Boyer on 27 March 1810. Source:
William Palmer of Kent County in the State of Maryland sells for $520.00 to
Stephen Boyer, also of Kent County, all of the tract called Adventure, which
Matthew Richardson devised to his son William Richardson and which Matthew
Richardson sold to William Palmer, which is contained within the following
metes and bounds: Beginning at the North East corner of Adventure at a stone
as designated for the beginning of William Palmer's land and running South
one hundred and forty five perches until it intersects John Richardson's
part of Adventure, thence West by and with the line as formerly laid down
and dividing between William Richardson and John Richardson forty four and
an eighth perches, then North one hundred and forty five perches to the East
line of that part which said William Richardson sold to said William Palmer,
thence East to the beginning stone, containing forty acres, being one half
of the eighty acres which William Richardson sold to William Palmer.
Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Ephraim Vansant and Cornelius Comegys. Ben
Chambers is Kent County clerk.
Will of Douglass Richardson
Maryland Register of Wills Records, 1629-1999, Kent Wills
1746-1756, vol 3, pp 327-329.
Although verification is needed, the brother mentioned in this will is
probably our Matthew Richardson. He also names his sister, Elizabeth Grant,
John Grant, most likely his brother-in-law, and nephew William Houston.
Elizabeth and John Grant married in Kent county on 29 Oct 1745. From this,
we can glean this tree:
Uknown Richardson
Matthew Elizabeth female Douglass
Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson
m John Grant | -c1755
He also bequethes property to Mary Woodland and her daughter Rachel whom
we might presume was his natural daughter.
Like his brother, he signed his will. This was an educated family.
Was Nicholas Riley his Father-in-law?
Nicholas Riley Sr died several years before Matthew Richardson Jr
was born. His will lists three daughters, Rebecca, Sarah, and Elizabeth.
The will of his son, Nicholas Jr, mentions next of kin Sarah Huff.
Liber 24, folio 135 15 April 1745 Abstract of the Will of Nicholas Riley,
Sr. of Kent Co. To son Nicholas Riley, all my lands in Riley Neck,
Sassafrass R., except 100a on the R. adj. Indian Range, & if he d. s.
p., then to son Benjamin, & if he d. s. p., then to my daus. Rebecca,
Sarah, & Elizabeth; also to son Nicholas, Greenfeeld. 500a in Pennsylvania.
To son Benjamin Riley, after the d. of my wife, Mary, my dw. plntn. To
daus. Rebecca & Sarah, the s 100a adj. Indian Range. To dau. Elizabeth,
after the d. of Thomas Richfoot, Pearses Rambles 50a in Kent Co. & L 10 at
mar. or age 16. To wife, Mary, for life, my dw. plntn. To son Hezakiah,
who cannot maintain himself, 5 s., & is to be maintained by wife, Mary, &
son Nicholas. To John Riley, s. o. Isaac Riley, at age 16, a good horse.
Extrs: wife, Mary Riley, & son Nicholas Riley. Witn: Nichos. Smith,
Benjamin Palmer, John Riley. 25 May 1745, sworn to by all 3 witn
It's all speculative, but considering that Matthew owned property on Ryley's Land Resurveyed — the land Nicholas
Riley had resurveryed from his own inheritance — and considering that
Matthew Richardson Jr stated in an 1838 letter that he was a first cousin of
William Riley, Nicholas's grandson, we can reasonably assume that the land
came to the Richardsons through marriage.
Nicholas died in 1745. In 1747, his daughter Sarah paid taxes on Ryley's
Land Resurveyed, and Matthew Sr paid taxes on the same property from
1747-1769. But we know from the 1772 will of Nicholas Riley Jr that his
sister, Sarah, was married to a Huff. Elizabeth is believed to have married
Thomas Richfoot. This would leave Rebecca as a candidate for Matthew's
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Michael Cooley, -
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